Tuesday, March 13, 2007
FREE SHOWS - Earth Day and Central Park NYC!
Dearest Darling Diary:
Not much time. Running out to catch crazy nymph in forest who stole a unicorn from the Most Noble Unicorn Shoppe. Anyway, just got word from the Royal Postman - Princess Katie & Racer Steve are playing at the Chelsea Market Music Hallway and in NYC's Central Park!
WE LOVE THE EARTH - Earth Day Concert - FREE
Where: Chelsea Market Music Hallway 75 9th Avenue (we're playing near the 10th Ave. entrance).
When: April 22nd, 11 am
Cost: FREE
For who: If you recycle, conserve, don't litter and love to dance, c'mon down as PKRS play music from their new CD, Songs For The Coolest Kids!!
ROYAL ROCK IN CENTRAL PARK- PKRS Play The Central Park Band Shell
Where: Band Shell in Central Park, NYC - Mid Park - East Side - 66th - 72nd Street
When: Saturday, May 5, 2007 1:00 pm
Cost: FREE!
Coolness: 1-10 on the coolness scale, this is about an 11!
Most Medievally Yours,
Princess Katie
PS This week was great. We performed at 3 children's hospitals performing 4 shows. The kids loved it! They were up and dancing with tambourines, maracas and ribbon sticks. I definitely think the music helped to make them feel better. What's better than dancing, clapping, laughing and singing?