Friday, August 29, 2008

Kiddie Rock Musicians! Let's band together!

Hi fellow kiddie rockers!

One of the things our band enjoys doing is performing for kids in hospitals or for underprivileged kids.  We have 3 concerts coming up at the NYU Medical Center (in October - but we visit every few months) and one at the Ronald McDonald House (in December).   I was thinking that it would be great for these kids to be able to leave these events with music or, if we don't get enough, we would be able to donate a bunch to the library at the NYU Medical Center and/or Ronald McDonald House.

So, if you wish to donate some of your music or your DVD, shoot me an email (you can click the title of this post and then click the little envelope icon at the top of our website) and I'll give our address.  Our next trip to NYU is on October 2oth, and our Ronald McDonald concert is in December 4th.   

Many of the kids we've visited over the years don't get the chance to go to concerts and most parents are too busy dealing with the illness that they don't even know what great music there is out there for kids (indie music, anyway).

I hope this works out.  I realize that as performers, we get many requests for donations and for free performances, so don't feel pressure.

Thanks in advance!

Princess Katie

Friday, August 15, 2008

PRINCESS KATIE & RACER STEVE @ Central Park Pumpkin Festival!

Sure, it's early!  But isn't it creepily fun?  

Princess Katie & Racer Steve have been invited to kick off  the Central Park Pumpkin Festival once again this year!  Very spooky and very exciting!

Let me tell you what happens:  you visit a spooktacular haunted house, see the 5-story tower of jack-o-lanterns, you visit the famous pumpkin patch and take home a gorgeous pumpkin, you see tons of kids dressed up and hear lots of live music in the bandshell!  This is a free event and open to all - ghosts, witches, vampires, racers, princesses and anything else!

Princess Katie & Racer Steve perform at 3 pm at the beginning of the event, so mark your calendars.  Festival is located at the bandshell (enter park at 72nd on East Side) and goes beyond!

And that's not all!  On Halloween night, PKRS will be performing at the Special Target Free Halloween Event at the Children's Museum of Manhattan for two shows!  

They'll be food, arts & crafts, live music by Princess Katie & Racer Steve and it's all free!  The event runs from 5 pm - 8 pm!  Great, safe place for the kids to go on Halloween night!

Hope to see you there in all your halloweeney finery!


Friday, August 8, 2008

Princess Katie & Racer Steve Berrie Pick Review of Fast & Feisty

If there's one thing I'm learning since starting this blog it's that kid music totally rocks these days.  No more Barney (ughh....) cuz now it's time for Princess Katie & Racer Steve!

The husband and wife team's CD, "Fast and Feisty," was released in April, and has been playing in a regular rotation in my home since I discovered it still in the package it was mailed in just a few weeks ago. (Bad blogger, Bad!)  But back to "Fast and Feisty" and the Princess and the Racer.

First off, the CD could suck and the lyrics could drive parents to the brink of insanity, and we'd probably still allow our kids to bop incessantly to the music of their biggest play-date fantasies. I mean, come on!  What little girl hasn't wanted to be a princess at least once in her life?  And what little boy (or girl) hasn't gotten a thrill pretending to GO FAST like the cool race car drivers?

The added bonus, of course, is that Princess Katie & Racer Steve are a serious rock-n-roll band with the musical talent to match.  Katie's got a decidedly adult-sounding singing voice that adds a classy touch to the kiddie lyrics, and even if Buttercup is too young to appreciate the fact that Racer Steve is a master on that guitar of his, I'm not.

My faves on the track include "Holidays," "Sneakers," and "We Dress Ourselves," the last of which will have you singing along at the top of your lungs before you realize that the driver in the car next to you at that red light thinks you have officially lost your mind.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Princess Katie's New Assistant, West Ginger Liberty!

Well, things have been very, very busy here in the Kingdom.  Between local uprisings, festivals, Kings being overthrown and loose unicorns, I can't seem to keep up.  So, I hired an assistant.

Her name is West Ginger Liberty and if you made it to the DVD shoot, you saw her (and if you hung around, you met her).   

She's thee best!  Honestly!  I just love her and hope to bring her to some future shows.  She'll be on the DVD and at upcoming performances!  Also, she may be doing some blogging for me from time to time.

So, now you know her and can scream, "Hey there, West!" when you see her.  She LOVES being recognized in public.  Oh, some other info about her:  she's a Virgo, loves brown rice, a good joke, babies & kids, can be a bit frazzled at times (pretty often, actually) and loves dancing!

More news soon.  Thank you for coming out, Philly!  You were very charming!

Princess Katie & West